What else can they come up with in 2010? Jackson's latest boat 'The Villain'.
Photo courtesy of Five To Nine Productions http://five2nine.ca/
The new river creek boat that replaces the Rocker in the Jackson line up. We just got our hands on one last week and immediately sent it out for testing. Mike McKay of Five to Nine Productions http://five2nine.ca/ was kind enough to take it for a spin on the Bottom Moose in New York State and let us know what he thought:
Stats: 5'11 165lbs
Current Boat: Dagger Nomad
Boofs awesome!
Surfaces great.
Found it sluggish in some ways. A little slow at times because of funny tracking. I had to work a little harder to stay on line.
It launches though. I liked that a lot.
The outfitting was great. I really liked the shock type bulkhead. Great idea in my opinion.
I kinda thought it was a bit of an advanced boat in a way. I ran all the lines really nice in it though. However, like I said, it was a tad harder to keep on line.
I would give it a B-.
However, I am just one opinion. Thanks a lot for the opportunity to try it and let me know if you need me to do anything else for you.
The verdict is in and this baby is a boofing machine! This boat has fair amount of rocker, especially in the stern. Add this with it's soft edge and ripping in and out of micro eddies is a breeze.
Check out this vid of Stephen Wright rippin' in a Villian, shot with a HD Helmet Hero
The Villain is in stock here at the shop and we do have the demo in our rental fleet, so swing by and check it out!
The Villian
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